Continuous Testing Platform

Precision, efficiency, and ease at every testing stage.

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Why BlazeMeter for Your Continuous Testing Platform?

Accelerate Agile Testing & Enable Innovation

Using BlazeMeter in tandem with Perfecto, teams can seamlessly generate and execute tests for web, mobile, and packaged apps, which reduces setup time and helps teams easily transition from planning to action. Ensure comprehensive coverage without extending timelines, enabling teams to focus more on new features and accelerate time-to-market.

screen shot of perfecto and blazemeter agile testing

Testing for All Skill Sets

From scriptless testing support to testing from your IDE, command line, or UI, BlazeMeter’s continuous testing platform supports it all. With BlazeMeter, you can craft tests manually, utilize recordings, or leverage AI for precision and efficiency.

Generate Synthetic data for UI Functional Scriptless tests

Reliable Infrastructure for Uninterrupted Testing

With BlazeMeter’s service virtualization, you can test what you can’t in production with a virtual environment. Access cloud-based or  on-prem environments whenever needed with global coverage, and scale up or down based on your testing requirements to ensure you only use what you need.

Loadrunner Vs BlazeMeter Performance Testing screenshot

Comprehensive, AI-Based Test Data Management

Utilize advanced data management techniques such as on-the-fly data anonymization to protect sensitive information to maintain the highest standards of security and privacy. With BlazeMeter teams can also enhance test data with generative AI, boosting system resilience with Chaos Testing and streamlining the process of data generation.

AI_Driven test data creator screenshot

Mitigate Risk With Shift-Left & Shift-Right Testing

With BlazeMeter’s automated continuous testing platform, organizations can implement testing in both earlier and later stages of development to ensure software robustness. Continuously monitor performance in production to catch and resolve issues swiftly, and reuse API tests from preproduction to minimize rework.

screenshot of blazemeter api testing dashboard

What BlazeMeter Customers Have to Say

Discover how leading enterprises in e-commerce, finance, and healthcare are leveraging BlazeMeter’s continuous testing platform.


Learn More About BlazeMeter’s Continuous Testing Platform

Request a custom demo to get the full scope of BlazeMeter’s automated continuous testing capabilities in conjunction with Perfecto and the Perforce application testing suite.

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