JMeter vs. Loadrunner: Why JMeter is Easier to Use Than LoadRunner
April 22, 2023

JMeter vs. Loadrunner: Why JMeter is Easier to Use Than LoadRunner

Open Source Automation
Performance Testing

The movement from the Center of Excellence to open-source load testing is prompting more and more developers to choose tools like JMeter over LoadRunner. If you’re still deliberating between JMeter vs. LoadRunner, here are 7 reasons why the former is easier to use and more beneficial overall.

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Why Choose JMeter vs. LoadRunner

When searching a performance testing solution, JMeter surpasses LoadRunner on several fronts. JMeter is open-source, has vast community support, and is known for its user-friendliness and ability to handle a wide range of test cases. Alternatively, LoadRunner is a commercial solution that is complex to use.

Let us explore these differences between these platforms more closely. 

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JMeter vs. LoadRunner Community Support

JMeter is an open-source tool with a vibrant community that keeps adding features and supports users who run into issues and problems. LoadRunner is owned by a large corporation, limiting the number of users as licenses are required. In addition, it doesn’t have an open-source, supportive community.

With JMeter, new users always have someone to answer their questions, and long-time users can improve their JMeter testing abilities consistently. In addition, having an open-source tool ensures it keeps getting better and is always in line with users needs and requirements.

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JMeter vs. LoadRunner GUI: JMeter More User-Friendly

JMeter has a comprehensive and user-friendly GUI. Parameters are easy to define and understand, scripting is simpler and clearer and adding and defining elements is more intuitive. In addition, one screen shows you everything you need - the script, the scenario and the analysis.

In LoadRunner, the scripting configurations, scenario definitions, and analyses take place in separate places. In addition, the parameters are more cumbersome and need to be defined in a separate text file.

Below you will find screenshots comparing the JMeter and LoadRunner GUIs. You will see how in JMeter you can find everything you need in one place, while you need to open different files to find the same information in LoadRunner. 

JMeter GUI:

JMeter GUI

LoadRunner GUI:

LoadRunner GUI

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Elements are Easier to Define in JMeter Than LoadRunner

Adding elements is easy on JMeter. All you need to do is right-click on the tree scenario and add the element that you need. In each element, you can easily fill in the configuration, or you can copy and paste from a text file. Comments can also be added to each element for further clarity.

In LoadRunner, configuring elements is a much more complex process. Each element requires complex scripting in C, plus they need to be defined in a text file before integrating with the scenario.

Below you will see screenshots comparing the simplicity of defining elements in JMeter with the complex scripting needed to define elements in LoadRunner. 

Adding a DB Connection in JMeter:

Adding a DB connection in JMeter vs. LoadRunner

adding a DB connection in JMeter vs. LoadRunner

In LoadRunner:

lr_db_connect("StepName=Connect","ConnectionString=Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle; dbq=10.xx.xx.xx:1540; Data Source=XXXX; Persist Security Info=True; User ID=username; Password=password","ConnectionName=OracleDB","ConnectionType=OLEDB",LAST);SQLstatement:lr_db_executeSQLStatement("StepName=PerformQuery","ConnectionName= OracleDB","SQLStatement=SELECT * FROM \"TableName\" ","DatasetName=MyDataset",LAST);Disconnectfromdatabase:lr_db_disconnect("StepName=Disconnect","ConnectionName= OracleDB",LAST);


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JMeter vs. LoadRunner Test Creation

Creating test scenarios is much less complex in JMeter. In addition to the easier configuration of elements, JMeter does not require adding beginning or ending transaction elements, which LoadRunner does. 

In LoadRunner, arranging scripts takes up more time and resources. Creating test scripts in LoadRunner is also more complex because it requires managing different agents.

Scripting Is Not Essential in JMeter (But Is in LoadRunner)

While JMeter does support scripting in elements, you are not required to do any scripting for your test to run properly. This means you can run a complete load test without knowing a bit of code. This capability expands the number of users who can use JMeter or analyze the test results. Even if you do code, you can enjoy more of JMeter’s capabilities.

LoadRunner, on the other hand, requires scripting knowledge. If you cannot code, you cannot use LoadRunner. This creates an obstacle, lengthens training sessions, and makes each load testing cycle take more time.

In addition, JMeter supports a wide range of scripting languages, such as BeanShell, Groovy, Javascript, etc. Alternatively, LoadRunner only supports C.

JMeter is Cross-Platform (LoadRunner Is Not)

JMeter runs everywhere where Java runs, including, but not limited to Windows, MacOSX, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX and HP-UX. LoadRunner works only on PCs and Linux. So if you don’t have a PC, or you prefer developing on a Mac, LoadRunner is completely inaccessible to you.

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JMeter vs. LoadRunner Pros and Cons

Here is an overview of how JMeter and LoadRunner compare according to their top features:





Yes; Can see everything in one place

No; Can only see scripting configurations, scenario definitions, and analyses in separate places.

Adding & configuring elements

Yes; simple process

Yes; complex process

Scriptless support



Cross-platform test creation



Community Support

Vibrant community


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Go From LoadRunner to JMeter

When comparing JMeter vs. LoadRunner, it is overwhelmingly clear that JMeter offers more benefits and value than its legacy counterpart.

This disparity is even more pronounced when enterprises compare BlazeMeter vs. LoadRunner. BlazeMeter is 100% compatible with open-source technology like JMeter, while enabling teams to conduct their testing at enterprise-scale.  

See how much your team can scale when you make the switch.

This blog was originally published on February 14, 2017, and has since been updated for accuracy and relevance.


Related Resources: 

Related Viewing:

Embracing Agile: How CommBank Made the Switch from LoadRunner to BlazeMeter

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