[Performance] Running a yaml test with Taurus pass/fail module in BlazeMeter now supported

Up until now, the pass/fail module in the yaml script was ignored by BlazeMeter, and users had to redefine it in the Failure Criteria section in the test configuration UI. With this new feature, we are translating the majority of Taurus pass/fail capabilities into BlazeMeter's Failure Criteria, so that when a yaml script is uploaded to BlazeMeter the pass/fail module in the script will automatically appear in the test UI. 

Now you can also execute a test from Taurus with cloud provisioning, and the pass/fail module will be recognized by BlazeMeter and displayed in the report. 

Running a yaml test with Taurus pass/fail module in BlazeMeter now supported

[Performance] Test Email Subscribers: Control and Define Multiple Recipients

Now you can control and define a list of multiple subscribers to receive the test results email once the test run ends. To add people, just search other users in the workspace by their name or email address.

Test Email Subscribers: Control and Define Multiple Recipients

Your test configuration is still in progress and you don’t want all subscribers to receive the email of this specific run? No worries, before the test starts, you can choose to send the test only to yourself:

Test Email Subscribers: Control and Define Multiple Recipients

Ship Creation: Native and Kubernetes Commands

Similar to the docker run command, the agent (ship) creation now provides an option to select the Kubernetes templates for roles and deployments used in the Kubernetes setup or the command to run the native Windows (non-docker) environment.

Ship Creation: Native and Kubernetes Commands

Note that the Kubernetes template will require input from the end-user to properly prepare the yaml for use.

Ship creation: API for Kubernetes


We’ve improved the Kubernetes onboarding by providing an API that returns the service YML needed to deploy BlazeMeter’s ship on Kubernetes. Simply fill in the needed parameters and run the below command:


Curl https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/private-locations//ships//k8s-command -X POST --user :'


Example output (YML):


apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: Deployment

name: bzm-crane-5f3109442eab0d38bf2e8003



   roles: crane

   harbor_id: 5dc2b88zc929302cc776d373

   ship_id: 5f3109442eeb3d38bf2e8003

 name: crane


 replicas: 1



     role: crane

     harbor_id: 5dc2b88zc929302cc776d373

     ship_id: 5f3109442eeb3d38bf2e8003




       role: crane

       harbor_id: 5dc2b88zc929302cc776d373

       ship_id: 5f3109442eeb3d38bf2e8003



   - env:


 value: true



- name: HARBOR_ID

 value: 5dc2b88zc929302cc776d373

- name: SHIP_ID

value: 5f3109442eeb3d38bf2e8003

- name: AUTH_TOKEN

 value: 37b1d0dbd888fb98ce826edqb5c73d9v4d8e5bd8d21e65bd6981178d7e71a425


 value: https://a.blazemeter.net

     image: blazemeter/crane:latest

     imagePullPolicy: Always

     name: bzm-crane-5f3109442eab0d38bf2e8003

   restartPolicy: Always


kind: Role

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1


 namespace: ***USER INPUT REQUIRED***

 name: bzm

rules: [

- apiGroups: [\"\"] # \"\" indicates the core API group

 resources: [\"pods\", \"services\", \"endpoints\", \"daemonsets\"]

 verbs: [\"get\", \"list\", \"watch\", \"create\", \"update\", \"patch\", \"delete\", \"deletecollection\", \"createcollection\"]


[General] Taurus-cloud image footprint reduced

We’ve reduced the size of the Taurus-cloud image from 15.8 to 6 GB and the size of the Taurus-cloud-slim from 10.3 to 4 GB.