What’s new for March 2024?

[Correlation Recorder]: Test history and version control 

The BlazeMeter Auto Correlation Plugin just got even better! We've introduced Version Control for Correlations — designed to enhance the testing workflow and save significant debugging time.   

  • Effortless Rollbacks: Applied a correlation that didn't work out? Now you can easily undo those changes and restore your test plan to its perfect state.  
  • Track Your History: View the detailed history of your test plan, including all actions, steps, and versions, to keep a clear overview of your progress.  
  • Precise Restorations: Select and restore the exact version of your test plan you need, ensuring optimal performance without compromising on your testing strategy.  

The new correlation recorder is designed to maximize efficiency and reduce your debugging time - giving you more time to focus on what truly matters. 


[Service Virtualization]: Mark optional params in Request Headers 

For any request that comes into a virtual service, there will be request parameters sent. Frequently there will be some parameters that are not sent while others are. Here we are providing the ability in the Request Matcher for Header params to be marked as required. Uncheck the Required checkbox field to indicate that the header parameter is optional. This would mean if the incoming request had those params they would be used for matching, but if they are missing then they are not considered for matching as they are marked optional. 

[Service Virtualization]: XML node attributes in selection wizard 

For XPath matchers, support has been added to show the XML node attributes. In the example below, the sample XML contains the node attribute called curr as curr=”USD”. In the Nodes Tree List, notice the Node called curr is displayed with the attribute value of USD. When selecting curr, you can set curr to be Specific, Anything or Matches Regex.  

[Service Virtualization]: CData matching and parsing 

A new Body Matcher called Matches XPath from CData has been added to match and parse the CDATA coming in the request to the Virtual Service. The Selection Wizard shows the parsed CDATA in the dropdown. One or more CData Nodes can be selected and Match Type and Match Value can be configured.  

[Service Virtualization]: URL/endpoints accept configuration params and test data params 

Every URL/Endpoint field in Service Virtualization supports parametrization using the Configurations tab as well as Test Data params. In the example below, look at the Live System Endpoints field. The param defined in Configurations tab is referenced as ${config.host} while Test Data params are referenced as ${path}, ${value}, ${gvalue} which constructs the Endpoint in this case. 

[Service Virtualization]: Capture response payload to be referenced in transactions  

The response payload can be referenced by ${response.body}. In the example below, transaction response body is set to name=${config.name}. This can be referenced within the transaction in the HTTP calls, Webhook calls, etc. Below is an example of the HTTP Call whose body contains reference to the transaction response body which in this case would be name=${config.name}


[Service Virtualization]: Looping on test data (multiple rows) 

Service Virtualization supports looping through a Test Data model. Previously only one row could be returned. This change now supports iterating through the dataset and retrieving more than one row based on filtering conditions. In the example below, the dataset contains 50 rows of user data which will be returned as shown in the example. 

Please check documentation for more information.  

[Service Virtualization]: Show version on Service Virtualization

There are times when the end users need to know what version their Virtual Service is running on. Once a Service Virtualization starts running from that time onwards we show the image version for each Virtual Service. Even if the Virtual Service is stopped, the version number will continue to be shown.