Download logs from multiple engines at once

We have made it easier to take a closer look at the logs, especially when it comes to tests with multiple engines!  The new Logs tab in the report now allows you to focus on a certain group of engines and download all their logs at once:

Download logs from multiple engines at once

On download request, a zipped file will be generated, containing all the selected logs. Once the file is ready to download, you will also get a link to the file - which you can share with others or download directly.


[Test Data Management] Generate Synthetic data for UI Functional Scriptless tests


We’ve added a new Test Data view for UI Functional Scriptless testing. Get a better overview about data from attached CSV files and define data parameters to be synthetically generated in place to support specific test scenario needs. There are 50+ functions available to get real looking, random, or dynamic data for your test, which you can perform calculations and conditional logic on top of this data. For more information, see our documentation.

Generate Synthetic data for UI Functional Scriptless tests

[GUI Functional testing] Data iterations preview now available in Scriptless tests


Better visualize how every iteration will combine data from various CSV files or synthetically generated data according to different iteration options. Now you can get a built-in data preview with the New Test Iterations settings dialog available in UI Functional Scriptless testing.

Data iterations preview now available in Scriptless tests

[GUI Functional testing] New browser versions now available 

We’ve added new browser versions including Chrome version 88, and Firefox version 85 - these versions are set as default.

New browser versions now available

[GUI Functional testing] New usage report available: "GUI Functional Tests - Number of Browser sessions"

The report shows the number of test sessions grouped by browser/version for a selected period.

New usage report available: "GUI Functional Tests

[Mock Services] Ability to Bulk Start, Stop, and Delete Mock Services 

Managing Mock Services is even easier with the ability to bulk start, stop and delete functionality. For more information, see our documentation.

Ability to Bulk Start, Stop, and Delete Mock Services

[Mock Services] Run MAR Mock Services to a BlazeVSE directly from the Asset Catalog

From the Asset Catalog, you can view what Mock Services are running on a BlazeVSE and deploy new ones. For more information, see our documentation.

Run MAR Mock Services to a BlazeVSE directly from the Asset Catalog

[Mock Services] BlazeVSE License Entitlement and Virtual Service Reports

You are now able to specify a VSE as performance mode, and track metrics such as the total concurrent performance VSEs and the total functional transactions metrics. Additionally, we have added the ability to review reports and inspect MAR Mock Services deployed to a BlazeMeter VSE. For more information, see our documentation.

BlazeVSE License Entitlement and Virtual Service Reports