[Performance] Disable or enable overrides to Arrivals or Ultimate thread groups in a test

Now you can disable or enable overrides to these thread groups with just one click. When Arrivals thread group or Ultimate thread group are being used in a script, the Load Configuration section will be grouped together under one toggle, allowing you to decide if you want the load configuration to be defined in the UI (overriding the original threat group used) or to keep the load configuration as defined in the script (using the Arrivals / Ultimate thread group used in the script).

Disable or enable overrides to Arrivals or Ultimate thread groups in a test

[Performance] Improved display for Failure Criteria results


We have switched the places of “Actual” and “Threshold” columns in the Failure Criteria tab under the report, so that the results are more readable: 

Since responseTime.avg threshold 500 ms is smaller than the actual result of 717.71ms, the test failed.

We have also added two new conditions, “<=” and “>=” to the available failure criteria conditions, and rounded all the Actual values to 2 decimal places.

Improved display for Failure Criteria results

Enhanced data on your Private Locations


Now you can get even more information about your private locations. We’ve added more data on the ships that can be displayed, and for each agent you can now see the free disk space (both in GB and in percentage) and the image versions installed on the agent. To see this additional data, hover on the Information icon (“i”) in the Description column under the Private location page.

Enhanced data on your Private Locations


[GUI Functional testing] New browser versions now available 

We’ve added new browser versions including Chrome version 84, and Firefox version 78 - these versions are set as default.

New browser versions now available


[GUI Functional testing] Default browser version selection is now available for OPLs

If your OPL functionalities are configured to have default browser versions, you can select the default option in the browser version dropdown. The default version is set to be the latest BlazeGrid browser version (Currently chrome: 84, firefox: 78). If auto-update is disabled for OPL and the latest version is not installed on Ship yet, then tests will be executed using the latest ship browser version

Default browser version selection is now available for OPLs

Additional view in usage report

For BlazeMeter account admins, we’ve added a new chart under the usage report displaying the maximum number of virtual users per day. This allows you to easily identify those days with  high user  activity in your BlazeMeter account. Currently, the report shows performance and functional test usage.

Additional view in usage report