• Introducing Functional API Testing


1. Reuse your existing JMeter scripts and run them as Functional API tests, with the click of a button. Test single APIs or complete business scenarios and add them to your continuous testing process. You can also schedule tests to run periodically.

Reuse your existing JMeter scripts


Functional API testing reports include: requests, responses, pass/fail indications based on assertions, and trends of multiple test executions. Read more here.

Functional API testing reports include:


2. We’re also introducing the first version of the Functional API Test Maker for Automated Test Case Generation. Just upload your Swagger file and API testing scenarios will be auto-generated for you. Simply choose which of the scenarios to execute, at the click of a button or through your CI/CD process. You can also manually override or create tests.


Are your APIs complex? The Functional API Test Maker provides full test coverage.

Functional API Test Maker


  • Oh… and we also redesigned the test creation selection page.
test creation selection page