JMeter Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios
July 18, 2024

An Overview of JMeter Performance Testing

Open Source Automation
Performance Testing

In some JMeter performance testing use cases, it is not enough just to check the time it takes for a server to render a page, produce a search result set, or create an entity. For certain application types, such as enterprise content management systems, the performance of file upload and download requests is vital. 

In this article, we will describe how to do JMeter performance testing by implementing File Upload and Download scenarios. We will also highlight areas that are known to be problematic and suggest some best practices. 

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What is JMeter Performance Testing?

JMeter performance testing is the process of testing the performance of a web application using JMeter. As open-source, Java-based software, JMeter can also be used for functional testing and load testing.

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Why Use JMeter Performance Testing?

There are many benefits to JMeter testing, including:


JMeter is entirely free of cost — and free is never a bad thing! Sometimes free correlates to a poor product, but that is not the case with JMeter. It features a user-friendly interface and the ability for testers to leverage test automation.

Varied Testing Capabilities

JMeter can support software performance testing for web applications, web services, shell scripts, databases, and more.

Load Testing & Stress Testing

Load testing and stress testing are crucial features that ensure a system can handle sudden and dramatic spikes in traffic. JMeter performs these tasks exceedingly well.

Flexible Framework

Not only is there zero licensing cost to start, but developers can also customize the source code since JMeter is open source. It also allows for multiple separate thread groups to performance simultaneous and concurrent sampling.


JMeter's interface features easily digestible testing insights in the form of graphs, tables, simplified reports, and more.

Platform Independence

JMeter can run on multiple platforms since it is purely Java-based.

Experience the superior performance testing platform for your JMeter tests. Start testing with BlazeMeter for FREE today!

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End-to-End JMeter Performance Testing With BlazeMeter

For a proof of concept, let us use an Amazon micro-instance running Tomcat with a deployed simple Upload Servlet which stores files under /data folder to hit it with BlazeMeter engine to perform upload file action followed by downloading the same file. 

Using JMeter GUI to create an upload/download scenario as described above, upload the file to BlazeMeter and configure test properties such as number of threads, iterations, ramp up period, etc. 

You can also set additional dynamic test properties like host and port.

Creating upload/download scenario during JMeter performance testing

Override JMeter properties like host and port


Once the test is finished, you can see the summary report:

BlazeMeter summary report for JMeter Performance Testing

You can also request a statistical view and see a timeline report.

BlazeMeter reporting statistical view

BlazeMeter reporting timeline view

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